August 31, 2006
some placecasting-related bookmarks
A very humble and incomplete list of bookmarks of things relating mostly to georeferenced media and "placecasting". Last updated 2006-12-13.
Commercial Ventures
GaperGuide (Yellowstone N.P.)
BarZ Adventures
Art & Design Projects
Invisible-5 (Interstate 5 in California)
My Washington Square
Research Projects
Nature Trailer (Donovan, B.; Strohecker, C., Wood, A.; Davenport, G. (Media Lab Europe)
Mobile Bristol (HP Labs, University of Bristol)
Urban Tapestries (Proboscis)
Audio Aura (Mynatt, Back et al, PARC 1998)
Guided by Voices (Lyons, Gandy, Starner 2000)
Hear There: An Augmented Reality System of Linked Audio (Rozier, Karahalios, Donath, MIT 2000)
Project Voyager (Chan et al, MIT 2001)
WebSign: Hyperlinks from a Physical Location to the Web (Pradhan et al, HP Labs 2001)
Geo Blogs & Sites
All Points Blog
Anything Geospatial (blog)
Brain Off (Mikel Maron blog)
Cartography (Canadian Cartographic Association blog)
David Rumsey Map Collection
Geowanking list archives
geoTorrent geospatial data distribution
Google Earth Blog
Google Maps Mania (blog)
GPS Tracklog (blog)
LADS (Location Aware Devices & Services blog)
Location Intelligence (business, news) (Erle, Gibson)
Locative Media -- special issue of Leonardo electronic almanac
Locative Media Bibliography & Taxonomy (Bleecker, Knowlton)
Mapping Hacks (Walsh, Gibson, Erle)
NaviGadget GPS device blog
Ogle Earth blog
Open Source Geospatial Foundation wiki
SlashGeo newsblog/community
Space and Culture (Anne Galloway & friends)
Virtual Earth blog (Microsoft)
yourNav (news)
Navizon (P2P wireless positioning)
Developer Stuff
Yahoo Maps API
Google Maps API
mapufacture (GeoRSS aggregator)