May 8, 2007

somewhere over the canadian rockies...

I'm looking out the window down to the razor-sharp peaks and ridges of the Canadian Rockies, somewhere over Banff I think. Heading home after a couple of days hanging out in Calgary with my new partners in crime at Voodoo, watching several fine examples of the ultimate gaming machine being lovingly detailed to a fine lustre and tuned to furious levels of zorch... I didn't really mention this before, but I have this new job with HP's new Gaming business, which includes Voodoo and a few other things. Did you see the press event we did in SF last month with a bunch of extreme gaming technologies? OK, my job is basically to make all that stuff real. Seriously. It's going to be more than a little bit of fun.

Oh, and those other guys that think they are in the extreme gaming business? In the immortal words of Bill Kirchen and Commander Cody, "I was driving up that Grapevine hill, passing cars like they was standing still".

Posted by Gene at May 8, 2007 10:31 PM | TrackBack