July 26, 2004

yeah right

From a news.com article on today's mydoom DDoS phenom comes this nugget of PR spin:

"At no point was the Google Web site significantly impaired, and service for all users and networks is expected to be restored shortly," the company said in a statement.

Sorry to be snarky about my favorite googies, but it was pretty much impaired from where I sat this morning:


I can only imagine what it must have been like down in Mountain View this morning, trying to cope with a major service outage. Hey google bloggers, you could do with some fresh posting material; how about putting a human face on what must have been a mildly panicky day for you guys?

UPDATE: Hey look, Urs Hoelzle blogs a response of sorts. Cool, though I'd still love to hear the story of how they discovered the problem and dealt with it.

Posted by Gene at July 26, 2004 05:00 PM | TrackBack
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