September 09, 2004

random notes from the road

Pleased indeed to find that Peet's has replaced SBUX as the caffeine concession at SFO. I gotta cut back on that particular drug Real Soon Now, but mmm my brain is well trained to want it in the worst way.

Flights through ORD are running smoothly, despite the threat of weather east and south. That's fairly amazing. Shouldn't speak too soon though, still have 45 minutes to my next flight.

The little box of baklava in my bag leaked honey all over my books, camera and laptop. Hauled the whole thing into the airplane lav and cleaned as best I could, which took a long time and earned me the general contempt of fellow passengers who were dancing around in the aisle outside the door. If anyone sees a guy in the airport frowning and licking his computer, that's me.

Posted by Gene at September 9, 2004 01:10 PM | TrackBack
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