October 06, 2004

conversation or bloviation?

Speaking only for myself here, I think it's outstanding that Jonathan Schwartz is blogging, although apparently not everyone agrees with me on this. I get a kick out of his in-your-face alpha-geek tone, and all the competitive bluster that's so very Sun. Some of the things he writes make me laugh out loud; other things really make me mad. But overall it's great to have him in the house.

I do have one request though, Jonathan: turn on comments on your blog. Start having an open conversation with the community, rather than sounding off on a one-way soapbox. You're a smart guy with a lot to contribute; don't let your blog become yet another annoying Sun PR outlet. Product hype and snarky jibes will get you some attention, sure, but that stuff gets old fast. Better to have authentic interactions and conversations, and be accountable for what you believe, don't you think?

Update 10/10/04: Just found this note in the site emailbag:

Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 09:00:32 -0700 From: "Jonathan I. Schwartz" [ed: address removed] Subject: point taken To: fredshouse8888[at]yahoo.com some more thoughts here...


thx for feedback,

Guess someone's watching their referrer logs. Good to hear from you Jonathan. (Note to self: RTFB ;-)

Posted by Gene at October 6, 2004 12:55 AM | TrackBack
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