May 24, 2005

help wade write his continuous computing article

It was a fun physical/digital dislocation to find myself sitting next to Wade Roush last night in Palo Alto, after having read and commented on his emerging Continuous Computing story just that morning. It was one of those nametag doubletakes for both of us, and it turned out we had a lot of shared context in place despite never having met before (even going back to mediaMOO in 1993 where Wade designed the STS Center and I got my first real taste of virtual community). If you haven't checked out Wade's bold experiment in collaborative journalism yet, he has now posted parts 1-3 and is actively seeking comments. Go over there and grab your place in blogging history while you can (I think he's getting tired of hearing from me anyway ;-)

Posted by Gene at May 24, 2005 04:41 PM


Hi Gene -- Great meeting you yesterday! I am NOT getting tired of hearing from you. My only problem is that you're making so many substantial comments that it will be hard to choose which ones to include in the print article!

Posted by: Wade Roush at May 24, 2005 05:25 PM
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